Study Finds Inaccurate Hazard Warnings in 30% of Chemical Safety Data Sheets

SDSs are commonly used to communicate the health and environmental safety concerns of hazardous chemicals, but often include inaccurate chemical hazard warnings.

The Safer Way to Clean and Disinfect Your Home

Choosing safer products and understanding when disinfecting is appropriate can help you guard against viruses and other germs while also protecting your home’s indoor air quality and the health and safety of your family.

How to Safely Clean and Disinfect for Coronavirus

Our Guidelines for Safer COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfection spell out five effective and responsible cleaning practices for occupant health and safety during the pandemic. 

Consumers Spur Action on Toxins Like Methylene Chloride

Growing consumer awareness of the health risks of methylene chloride and 1,4-dioxane, both of which are found in common household and personal care products, has begun to prompt action by the federal government, states and retailers.