Green Cleaning is an Organization-Wide Effort at NC State

By Green Seal

Interview with Housekeeping, North Carolina State University

North Carolina State University’s certified green cleaning program has generated a host of benefits for the campus community, including improved air quality, reduced operational costs, and improved employee health and morale. To maintain Green Seal certification, University Housekeeping will be reevaluated annually to ensure its cleaning products, processes and employee training meet leadership levels.

Pilot green-cleaning projects led to campus-wide adoption

 “NC State began its shift toward green cleaning more than a decade ago as increased awareness of environmental and human health prompted many manufacturers to develop eco-friendly options. First, University Housekeeping tried a chemical-free cleaning solution made of ionized water and salt. Not only did it work on campus, but it saved money and was safer for building occupants and housekeeping employees. With that success, NC State continued pilot green projects that led to campus-wide adoption. Housekeeping also found safe, effective alternatives to aerosols and harsh chemicals. They use many Green Seal certified cleaning chemicals and hand soap to protect indoor air quality and reduce chemical exposure.”
Carla Davis
University Sustainability Office

We’re looking our for the health of our employees, customers, and the environment

“We’re looking out for the health of our employees, customers and the environment. What makes us stand out is that we adopted green products early and saw benefits early. We were very progressive in making our products and processes better.”
Hezekiah Henry
Supervisor – University Housekeeping

Green Seal examines absolutely everything you do

“Green Seal examines absolutely everything you do. They verify every chemical, every piece of equipment, your cleaning process, your training program. They leave no stone unturned. It is rigorous and comprehensive and helped us standardize our cleaning program in every building. This certification shows our commitment to sustainability and helps us become a leader.”
Vincent Taylor
Deputy Assistant Director – University Housekeeping

Green Seal certification has given our staff greater pride in what they do

“Our staff have to know the reasoning behind our process and the difference between cleaning and green cleaning. There’s a lot that goes into that, and Green Seal certification has given our staff greater pride in what they do.”
Tony Brown
Supervisor – University Housekeeping

I could not be prouder of the entire University Housekeeping team

“Green Seal Certification affirms our dedication to sustainability and the health of our employees and the campus community. I could not be prouder of the entire University Housekeeping team.”
Ada Baldwin
Director – University Housekeeping

Our employees have less chronic illness and ergonomic problems

“Our industry is much more concerned with employee health than it was before. With our green cleaning program, our employees have less chronic illness and ergonomic problems.”
Taft Waldon
Deputy Assistant Director – University Housekeeping