Green Seal

Green Seal & Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly

Our Partnership

We are proud to be a Climate Pledge Friendly certification partner. Green Seal-certified products qualify to display sustainability features on their Amazon listings, indicating the products meet meaningful sustainability standards.

Buyers trust Green Seal’s science-based certification because it means lower environmental impacts across the product’s lifecycle and ingredients that are significantly safer for people and the planet.

Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly program makes it easier for customers to discover and shop for more sustainable products. In fact, according to Amazon, participants in the Climate Pledge Friendly program see a 10% increase in product page views, on average, and experience a 12% sales lift within the first year of qualifying for the program.

Earn Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly Designation

Show customers that your products make meaningful sustainability impacts and meet the standards of an Amazon Climate Pledge Friendly certification partner. Explore the process to see how your products can earn the Climate Pledge Friendly designation.

Get Certified

Your products automatically qualify for Amazon’s Climate Pledge Friendly program when you achieve Green Seal certification.

Send Us Your ASINs

When we award your Green Seal certification, let us know which products are listed on Amazon by sending us the associated list of ASINs.

Join the CPF Program

We work with Amazon to ensure your Green Seal-certified products display verified sustainability features.