
Cleaning and Degreasing Agents

Upcoming Revision: A 30-day public comment period closed on December 20, 2024. We are now reviewing stakeholder input. Please visit our Library of Standards for details on the proposed revisions.

Our standard for cleaning and degreasing agents establishes environmental requirements for agents suitable for cleaning soils in production and maintenance applications. Suitable agents do not include those for specialized cleaning/degreasing operations such as the removal of paints, sealants, rust, and adhesives; handwiping parts; preparation of surfaces for electroplating, organic coatings, and parts testing; or the cleaning of hydraulic components, medical supplies, electronics, and optics.

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Standard Revisions

Latest version: Edition 2.2, September 8, 2017

Recent Changes: GS-34 underwent corrections and/or clarifications and was re-published on October 27, 2023. For details on the non-substantive changes made to this standard, please see the Standard Documents Library